Photo Manipulation
Movie poster, surreal art, and other artworks made using Photoshop.

Cyborg Movie Poster
The project was to make a fake movie poster using whatever media I chose. I made this with multiple images, layer masks, and filters. I drew lines on her face, added pen pressure to it, and made it reveal cogs and wires.
Water Bottle
I made this for a surreal art project. I used a coke bottle icon and used the lasso tool to cut around it to give it a more natural look. I added highlights and shadows to the water bottle to give it more shape.

Darth Vader in a Globe
I wanted to practice placing an object behind glass or other transparent objects without lowering the opacity of the actual photo. I used alpha channels to achieve this. I could move Darth Vader anywhere and the reflections and highlights would affect him.
Headless Horseman
I used a mask to select just the pumpkin and used an exposure adjustment layer to darken it. I used a face I made using Illustrator and overlayed it on the pumpkin and gave the face a glow.